Envío gratuito dentro y fuera de Europa: ¿Qué incluye?
Nuestro envío gratuito cubre una amplia gama de destinos, con plazos de entrega rápidos y servicios de seguimiento fiables. No obstante, es importante...
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¿A qué países realiza envíos Phimostop?
Nuestros envíos gratuitos cubren una amplia gama de destinos, incluida Europa (Albania, Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Chipre, Croacia, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estonia,...
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From what age can Phimostop be used?
We recommend the use of Phimostop from age 13 and up. Here’s why: in most children there is a physiological adherence between glans...
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If I don’t buy phimostop?
Postponing resolution of phimosis can have unpleasant consequences, from the buildup of infection to the sudden worsening of the situation to the need...
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Do you have a trusted doctor I can talk to?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to talk to a doctor we know, but you can talk to any specialist to verify that you...
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Is there a possibility of recurrent phimosis?
Phimostop is a permanent solution, relapsing phimosis is extremely rare; to make sure you don’t have any problems however, you can wear the...
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If I don’t buy Phimostop will my situation get worse?
If you do not act in time and choose to procrastinate and postpone solving this troublesome problem, it is very likely that you...
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In case of hypersensitive glans?
If you have tight phimosis, it is normal for you to have very sensitive glans. The foreskin cannot uncover the glans, and the...
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Does it work all the time? Can it be used against all types of Phimosis?
Phimostop works with every type of phimosis (congenital and acquired). In the vast majority of cases, phimosis can be permanently eliminated. Even in...
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Is my hygiene protected?
Phimostop is made with hypoallergenic medical silicone. The raw material has passed numerous tests in compliance with international standards. The medical device is...
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Can I not wear the tuboids at night?
You will need to wear the tuboids consistently and continuously for the treatment to have its effect. We recommend that you carefully read...
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If I run out of the patch can I purchase it independently?
In case the patch runs out, you can buy it directly from the pharmacy by asking your pharmacist for advice.
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